14 May 2020
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Flame Cut Profiling
Highly accurate flame cut blanks are achieved with our CNC multi-headed cutting machine that profiles any shape from material up to 250mm thick for one-off requirements or batch quantities. Flexibility and fast turnaround are the key to good service - simply supply us with a drawing and we will do the rest. Please contact us with your requirements.
We hold stocks of steel plate in thicknesses from 3-250mm in the following grades, all with full mill certification :
En10025 S275JR (43A)
En10025 S355JR (50B)
BS 970 080M40 (En8)
En 10083 C45
Other grades such as boiler plate can be obtained on request.
To complement our flamecutting service, we offer a grinding service which produces a smooth finish on flat surfaces and a precise finished size to a given profile.